Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Serious Problem

My mom is going mad at me.. the reason, is because some bloody bastard couldn't keep their nose out of my business and now.. I could be in a seriously harsh position of losing any of my profiles..

It happened on the 15th of January.. with the message having this "Hi my mom works in dooley's hotel and if you need anything she'll look after you if you can find her my sisters will".  and right now, the person or persons who spread around a certain have seriously crossed the line.. i am serious.. I might not be able to return to deviantart, furaffinity, youtube.. i could end up having to disable my account.. Because of selfish bastard wouldn't leave me alone.

Now i'm here just crying my eyes out as i'm just realizing that i will lose everything as the push comes to shove..

Friday, February 18, 2011

On My Nerves!

Metokur, you are really getting on my nerves.. invading my personal life.. and trying to mess about with my profiles, That is going too far, so right now I suggest you quit doing what your doing and most importantly.

Leave me the hell alone! I never started this bullshit in the first place.. and you now start making this nonsense towards my family.. that is defiantly unfair.. and also against the conduct of personal space.. if there were internet police, I would servilely that Metokur would of been shut down ages ago.

So i suggest you quit this bullshit and move the hell on away.. otherwise consequences can happen at any given time.

And you all know it..

Who knows, maybe you might get charged and sent to court. it happened before.. i might happen again!  

Monday, February 14, 2011


Metokur, You have no right what so ever to make such bias and most importantly stupid articles about us on Deviantart or Youtube, and sending out our information is not meant to be allowed by people such as you.

How come when ever you guys go onto deviantart you pick out artists with disabilities or even having great drawing capabilities rather than worst art possible.

I mean, seriously, all of you should have paper bags, dunce hats and even having a sign saying "We are Dumb and Have no artistic values in life" around all of you who make up the articles..

Seriously, what you people are, you are just Jealous of all of us who actually have some drawing talents better than the rest of you..

Heck even Photographers too can have nice picture shoots too.. and you slam them too

I mean come on, you should be slamming on people like your own selves.. who have little to no talent.. and possibly has some bad artwork.. not people who actually can draw extremely well, write fantastically and most of all Take beautiful pictures.

Metokur, your entire site are just Jealous of Deviantart.. And YOU KNOW IT!


Look.. Metokur, you all have no respect for everybody on deviantart.. or on any other site, so.. I'd Like to say


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