Monday, November 29, 2010

A Lousy User..

A Person going around claiming to me me has placed up a blog.. well lookie here mister/missus.. i'm the original and the best Natter45 on the block.. now will you quit mocking me and also your nothing much but a complete moron.. I could of done the "Dental Plan" fiasco on youtube.. but nope.. you final found the video from ustream.. thank you very much Eyesglowyellow.. I said i was done!


  1. No problemo, man. Keep it up.

  2. thanks and please come back soon

  3. I will, and i have become a follower of your blog.

  4. and when you do.. add me and blackbluedawg first as friends okay ^^

  5. Of course, i wouldn't forget you two.

  6. Replies
    1. Oh you still exist? I'm sorry. But I thought that you and your stupid sock-puppet accounts got banned.

      Speaking of which one of your so called minions Demongoat has joined EDF and is still an asshole. And I can't believe he actually liked you. I mean who would be stupid enough to like someone who was an obvious troll in the first place?
